Business Academy (Pay in FULL)

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If you're reading this right now - it means you crave change. A pivot, a shift. You're craving a simplified, actionable and effective business course - that actually works. 

Most people spend 70% of their lives in SURVIVAL mode and living in the state of stress. We think that once something on the OUTSIDE changes - once we get the business, the clients, the money, the body, the partner - THEN finally our inside world will change. 


How would you act, walk, and show up in your business if you KNEW your success was inevitable!?

If you knew that all the clients, all the money, the love, the partner, the 6/7/8 business was on it’s way to you- how do you SHOW UP today knowing your success is GUARANTEED?!  

Would you walk taller? Would you have more confidence? Would you invest different? Would you make different decisions?

We spend SO much time and energy predicting the future based on our past experiences. (this is what is KEEPING YOU STUCK)

This turns into you living your future based on what’s already happened! (ie. this same cycle you've been in)

You anticipate the worst-case scenarios based on past experiences.

Instead of moving forward with the curiosity of I’m going to think different, act different and make different choices, you determine that since this happened in the past it will happen again!

If you're selecting the WORST possible outcome how is your future ever supposed to change?! Especially if 70% of us are living in stress and fear?! And scarcity?!

How is our future EVER supposed to change?!?!  

This is the exact reason WHY I created YBA.

Your Business Academy was created for the business owner who started their business with the possibilities of unlimited income, time and freedom, yet find themselves having none of these ... with no end in sight.


WEEK 1-3: Taking personal inventory of your current business & mindset.

(finding where you're capped, or any blocks that's holding you back from making more $$ with less time)

Week 4-6: Clearing limitations

(KEYS to the castle. Breaking down each part of your biz to ensure everything is operating high level.)

Week 7-9: creating new standard in business

(actually taking a lunch & actually building a biz that supports your LIFE - like spending more time with your kids or traveling)

Week 10-12: How to achieve your goals in 90days

(reverse engineering the entire process to ensure you know exactly WHAT you're doing, when you're doing it and HOW you're doing it)

What People Are Saying:

My life has changed so much since attending your business academy. I’m grateful for your coaching and wisdom. I can’t imagine what my life would be without having applied the principles and procedures you taught me! Our first year together I reached my 500k goal. Our 2nd year together, I was 50k short of my 1MIL goal. This year I will reach 7 figures!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Megan W.

It's looking like I will land right at $400K give/take a few dollars. Rough estimate between another $17K getting paid for and some late awards year declines….. nonetheless I should get to the insurance kicker on the grid, and get to 70% which is very important to me!

Alex K.

Ashley - YBM has been life changing! It has helped me tame all the ideas I have for my family, my business, my future and get incredibly clear on the steps I need to take to get there. I have no doubt I'm going to crush my goals - while having more balance in all corners of my life. I love that I have the resources to continue growing and sharpening these skills as the course is coming to a close. 10/10 recommend!! 😘

Elizabeth C.

Amazing. The academy is SO positive. I have the pipeline prepped and folks scheduled out and this week I was introduced to more people than I feel like ever through existing clients who just called me and connected me...those vibes opened up a whole new space that was clearly waiting for me. I just hit my best month ever...again... i beat June already!!! Eek!!! 15,838 in July. My new norm...hit 15k!!!! And I CAN believe it bc I'm so capable of this. I mean gurl that's practically 16k!!!! Shoot high and who know where it'll land ya lol. Back from vacay...back at it...weeeee

Adrienne B.

$5,500.00 USD

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